If you would like to find specific topics in my timpani exercises, you can use the corresponding selection function at the bottom of this page.
Otherwise, I hope you enjoy browsing through my sheet music!
Arend Weitzel
“The timpani has it easy,
since it only plays two notes:
five one and one five,
and boom boom boom boom boom.”
These lines from the German quodlibet “Die Geige beginnet” (The violin begins) perpetuate a common cliché. Doing something supposedly easy is often quite tricky. Depending on how ambitious you are, there is intensive work involved in playing these “simple” things consistently well, gradually revealing a complexity that you probably had not dreamed of at the beginning.
At any rate, this has been my experience since I started exploring the depths of timpani playing over 40 years ago. Here are my (preliminary) conclusions.
I hope you enjoy my exercises. I wish you much success with them!
Free download: http://solopauke.de/downloads/The piece - Partitur.pdf
Published 2014 by Leu-Verlag, Neusäß
Available directly from the publisher: Leu-Verlag
or at: Brandt - Percussion
€ 22,00 + shipping
Published 2012 by Leu-Verlag, Neusäß
Available directly from the publisher: Leu-Verlag
or at: Brandt - Percussion
€ 19,80 + shipping
Published 2016 by Leu-Verlag, Neusäß
Available at Brandt-Percussion
19,80 €
Published 2008 by HeBu – Musikverlag GmbH, Kraichtal
Available at Brandt - Percussion
€ 11.95 + shipping
Published 1996 by Musikverlag Zimmermann, Frankfurt/Main
Available at Brandt - Percussion
€ 16,00 + shipping
Available at Steve Weiss Music ($ 18,00 + shipping)
Published 2008 by Gretel Verlag, Dinklage
Available directly from the publisher: www.gretel-verlag.de
or at: Brandt - Percussion
€ 16,00 + shipping
Available at Steve Weiss Music ($ 25,00 + shipping)
Published 2011 by Gretel Verlag, Dinklage
Available directly from the publisher: www.gretel-verlag.de
or at: Brandt - Percussion
€ 12,00 + shipping
Available at Steve Weiss Music ($ 18,00 + shipping)
Published 2010 by Gretel Verlag, Dinklage
Available directly from the publisher: www.gretel-verlag.de
or at: Brandt - Percussion
€ 14,00 + shipping
Published 2007
Available at Brandt - Percussion
€ 8,00 + shipping
Here you can find specific topics in my timpani exercises: simply select the relevant keywords and then click on "find".